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Level 1

Meet the art world's top gallerists, curators, and collectors.

Get insights from leading art professionals.

Your Level 1 access will include:

  • A Library of 24+ hours of insights from art professionals,
  • New live webinars each month with curators, collectors, etc.
  • Regular newsletters with upcoming events and news.

What you'll get:

  • Watch live and ask your questions to expert guests from across the art world,
  • Or watch the replay and learn in your own time.
  • Receive exclusive art world news from us, straight to your inbox.

Speakers will include:

  • Curators, in public galleries and museums,
  • Gallery directors and dealers,
  • Collectors and buyers,
  • Art consultants and advisors,
  • Plus: art critics, copyright lawyers, and more.

What you'll learn:

  • What collectors, curators and gallerists think.
  • How to get your art seen by the right people. 
  • What attracts serious art collectors and buyers. 
  • How to work with galleries and find the right ones to represent you.
  • How and when to approach art curators, gallerists and dealers. 

More details:

As soon as you join The Art Ladder, you will get access to the Library of 24+ hours of resources. You will also be sent regular emails with upcoming dates and links to the live webinars and the replays.  

There is no minimum term and you can cancel anytime. If you no longer wish to take part in the programme, you can head to your account settings and cancel your subscription whenever you want.

Join now to access a Library of 24+ hours of videos, and new webinars each month.