The Art Ladder - Terms and Conditions

Immediate Access: Upon joining The Art Ladder mentoring programme, you will instantly unlock the Library, featuring recordings of interviews with art professionals on Level 1, and sessions with our team on Level 2. You will receive regular emails with programme dates, plus links to watch upcoming live events and recordings.

Monthly Subscription: The Art Ladder mentoring programme operates on a monthly subscription basis. Your payments are processed automatically on the same date each month, ensuring continuous access to future live interviews on Level 1, in-depth sessions on Level 2, and one-to-one mentoring on Level 3.  

Content Library: You need an active subscription to The Art Ladder to access the Library of recordings and to watch the monthly live webinars on Level 1 and surgery sessions on Level 2. You also need an active subscription to access your one-to-one mentoring sessions on Level 3.

Cancel Anytime: There is no minimum term commitment and you can cancel your subscription at any time. If you wish to end your participation in the programme, simply go to your account settings and cancel your subscription. Your access will remain active until the end of your current billing period. After this, your subscription will end, and you will lose access to the Library and any future live events.

Non-Refund Policy: We don't provide refunds for the monthly subscription payments. You can take advantage of all the resources available during your subscription period and, if you no longer wish to take part in the programme or access the Library of resources, you can cancel your subscription anytime.

Use of Content: The content provided by The Art Ladder is for your personal use only. Reproducing, recording, sharing the content with other people or groups, or using the content for commercial purposes without permission is not allowed. 

Intellectual Property: Unless otherwise indicated, all materials on The Art Ladder's website and Library, including text, videos, images, etc. are owned by us, and you acknowledge and agree that this is the case. You must not copy, reproduce, upload to a third party, post, modify or distribute the material included on The Art Ladder.

The Art Ladder Website: To keep the programme up-to-date, we may update, edit, or delete content from the Library of resources. We may change operating platforms or web provider. When joining The Art Ladder, you understand and agree that we might need to make changes to the website or pause its operation from time to time.

Support and Contact: If you have any questions or need help with your subscription, our team is here to help. Contact us at [email protected].

Questions and Comments: When you join The Art Ladder, you'll be able to connect with us by:
- Sending us questions ahead of each interview and/or session via a dedicated form,
- Interact in the chat and Q&A section of the live Zoom webinars,
- Leave comments under each video replay on your Library. 
You must not upload any links to external websites. To keep The Art Ladder positive and constructive, we will take the liberty to remove comments if they are irrelevant to the topic, or if they can be considered as spam or advertising.

External links: From time to time, we will share useful resources or tools that are operated by third parties. We are not responsible for and do not endorse the content of those websites or any products, services or information they contain. You should review the content, terms and conditions of those websites when you visit them.

By subscribing to The Art Ladder, you acknowledge and agree to these terms and conditions. We're dedicated to helping artists and we look forward to welcoming you to the programme.

To join The Art Ladder, click here.